Advanced Safety Courses

Interested in advancing in your safety career? The Arizona Chapter National Safety Council is offering the following advanced safety courses that can be applied to earning your NSC Advanced Safety Certificate (ASC) or MESHAZ Certificate:

October 23- Team Safety:  Employee engagement is the key to a successful safety program. This course shows you how to make group safety efforts work for your organization. You’ll learn how to build an effective safety team – or get the most from the team you have.

October 24- Safety Inspections: Provides an overview of the safety and health inspection process, then examines specific techniques to improve the process. It also addresses basic skills for conducting various types of inspections and correcting identified hazards.

October 25- Ergonomics: Managing for Results: Repetitive motion and overexertion are the biggest risk factors facing American workers. This one-day course will teach you how to reduce the number and severity of musculoskeletal injuries in your workplace through a practical and effective program.

October 26- Job Safety Analysis: Offers a proven process for controlling operating hazards and costs. You’ll learn how to develop and manage a JSA program and gain a better understanding of your role in making it effective.

October 27- Incident Investigations: Focuses on techniques for gathering complete, accurate and objective incident data, establishing root causes, reporting findings and determining corrective action.

Principles of Safety and Occupational Health (POSH) is November 14-17 and is required to qualify for the ASC®.

Please contact us with any questions or to register. 

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