Arizona Traffic Fatalities At 15 Year High

Arizona’s roadways were the deadliest they’ve ever been in the past 15 years, according to 2021 crash data from the Arizona Department of Transportation.

Rick Murray, president and CEO of the National Safety Council’s Arizona chapter, lamented the rise in traffic fatalities and collisions in general, which he said was likely due to people reverting to a variety of unsafe driving habits as they return to the office and normal life in general.

He added that people know driving drunk or distracted is dangerous, but overestimate their ability as a driver and carry a misguided belief that the behavior is less dangerous if they do it.

“It is every bit of everything about proper behavior from behind the wheel,” Murray said. “I’m talking about distracted driving. I’m talking about courteous driving. I’m talking about the people who are getting too anxious behind the wheel and letting their emotions take control. It’s all of those things combined.”

Murray questioned why people are allowed to drive for the rest of their lives after passing a driving test once, and suggested people be required to retest every 5-to-10 years to ensure they know the current laws.

Excerpted from Arizona Republic Article, September 17, 2022, by Perry Vandell.

To read the entire article, click here.

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