Advanced Safety Certificate

Maximize Your Effectiveness as a Safety Leader

The NSC Advanced Safety Certificate program is a nationally recognized safety curriculum based on proven best practices. The ASC© program builds upon knowledge of compliance requirements to further your safety education. It also sharpens leadership skills to drive fundamental safety change throughout your organization.

For individuals on a safety career path, this program provides a starting point, a clear roadmap and best-in-class educational experiences to meet many industry-leading certification requirements.

Featured Courses

Principles of Occupational Safety and Health (POSH) Course
Provides you with the knowledge of the best safety practices and terminology needed to gain the confidence to implement a comprehensive safety process in your organization.
Fundamentals of Industrial Hygiene (FIH)
You will be able to anticipate, recognize, evaluate and control physical, chemical, ergonomic, and biological hazards within your workplace.
Job Safety Analysis
Job Safety Analysis (JSA) is a proven process for controlling operating hazards and costs. Get a step-by-step overview of the process, and define your role in making it effective.
Incident Investigations
This course focuses on techniques for gathering complete, accurate and objective incident data, establishing root causes, reporting findings and determining corrective action to arrive at an effective solution.
Safety Training Methods (STM) Course
Learn how to plan, organize, create and deliver performance-based safety training that truly engages employees and improves your organization's safety practices.
Safety Inspections
This course provides an overview of the safety and health inspection process, then examines specific techniques to improve the process.
Team Safety
Employee engagement is the key to a successful safety program. This course shows you how to make group safety efforts work for your organization. You'll learn how to build an effective safety team - or get the most from the team you have.
Ergonomics: Managing for Results
Repetitive motion and overexertion are the biggest risk factors facing American workers. This one-day course will teach you how to reduce the number and severity of musculoskeletal injuries in your workplace through a practical and effective program.
Industrial Hygiene Basics Course
Upon completion of Industrial Hygiene Basics course, you’ll develop a basic understanding of industrial hygiene terminology and principles, as well as practical approaches for recognizing, evaluating and controlling common workplace industrial hygiene hazards.

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