WHEREAS, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration data states that roughly, nine people are killed and more than 1,000 injured daily in accidents in which at least one driver was distracted; and
WHEREAS, talking on a mobile phone, texting, programming your dashboard infotainment system or GPS device can divert your attention away from driving and result in physical or cognitive distraction; and
WHEREAS, every citizen deserves to live in a community that promotes safe driving behaviors; and
WHEREAS, preventing distracted driving injuries and deaths requires the cooperation of all levels of government, employers and the general public; and
WHEREAS, the National Safety Council and the Arizona Chapter of National Safety Council work to promote policies, practices and procedures leading to increased safety, protection and health in business and industry, in schools and colleges, on roads and highways, and in homes and communities; and
WHEREAS, this year, the National Safety Council and the Arizona Chapter of National Safety Council will provide our nation with a month-long distracted driving public education campaign; and
WHEREAS, in addition to the National Safety Council and the Arizona Chapter of National Safety Council, other community partners such as AAA Arizona continues its long-standing commitment to traffic safety advocacy efforts in Arizona by working collaboratively with first responders, the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety, the Arizona Department of Transportation and other traffic safety partners on measures to ensure that Arizona roads remain safe for motorists, passengers and pedestrians alike.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Douglas A. Ducey, Governor of the State of Arizona, do hereby proclaim April 2022 as Distracted Driving Awareness Month in Arizona and encourage citizens and businesses to observe Distracted Driving Awareness Month by practicing safe driving behaviors and pledging to drive distraction free.
Governor Douglas Ducey