New NSC Work Zone Technician Course

When traffic on a roadway needs to be diverted to perform work or respond to an emergency, safety has to be the highest priority. A well designed and managed work zone protects workers, pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists, and equipment.

When traffic is reduced to a single lane where vehicles from opposite directions have to alternate use of that lane, flaggers are used to control traffic flow. Most often, there is a trained flagger at each end of the work zone, but sometimes, automated devices can be incorporated. The Arizona Chapter National Safety Council provides training courses for flaggers and their instructors.

A work zone technician is responsible for the set-up of the temporary traffic control zones. When designing and setting up these spaces, traffic volume, speed, visibility, advanced warning signs, transitions, activity area, and termination areas have to be considered.

We are pleased to announce we are offering the newly re-designed NSC Work Zone Technician course in addition to the flagger training. This comprehensive interactive course utilizes videos, workbook activities, and tabletop exercises where participants create and visualize work zones based on multiple scenarios and roadway designs.

These work zone safety courses are very valuable for construction companies, paving and re-surfacing contractors, cable, water, and electrical utilities, and tree trimmers. For more information, please call us at (602) 264-2394.

See our upcoming dates for Work Zone Technician courses.

Ed Taube, Safety Trainer, Arizona Chapter National Safety Council

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