New OSHA-Compliant Construction Safety Courses

With construction levels reaching all-time highs, Arizona

Chapter National Safety Council (ACNSC) is now offering

Construction-specific safety courses that meet OSHA training guidelines.

Classes such as OSHA 10 – Construction, OSHA 30 – Construction, How to

Survive an OSHA Inspection, Lockout/Tagout, Confined Spaces, Respiratory

Protection and Fall Protection for the Competent Person. OSHA violations can be

very costly and most are preventable with proper training and implementation of

the processes taught in these classes.

ACNSC has partnered with Safety Help Today, as a Premier

OSHA Partner to help provide this training. This training is available in-classroom

and in-person. Participants will hear from credentialed experts who work

with OSHA and employers. Start the New Year keeping

your jobsite safe and compliant.


Contact Ted Thomason with any questions.

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